

Qmax: 4 - 800lpm
Pmax: 315 - 420bar

ATOS Hydraulics

Showing 1 - 5 of 5 products
AGIR - Subplate Mounted P/O Reducing ValveAGIR - Subplate Mounted P/O Reducing Valve
Atos S.p.A. AGIR - Subplate Mounted P/O Reducing Valve

Flow (lpm): 160-400

Pressure (bar): 350

HG - Cetop Subplate Mounted Reducing ValveHG - Cetop Subplate Mounted Reducing Valve
Atos S.p.A. HG - Cetop Subplate Mounted Reducing Valve

Flow (lpm): 50

Pressure (bar): 350

JPG - Cetop Subplate Mounted Reducing ValveJPG - Cetop Subplate Mounted Reducing Valve
Atos S.p.A. JPG - Cetop Subplate Mounted Reducing Valve

Flow (lpm): 250-300

Pressure (bar): 315

KG - Cetop Subplate Mounted Reducing ValveKG - Cetop Subplate Mounted Reducing Valve
Atos S.p.A. KG - Cetop Subplate Mounted Reducing Valve

Flow (lpm): 100

Pressure (bar): 315

LIRA - Cartridge Reducing ValveLIRA - Cartridge Reducing Valve
Atos S.p.A. LIRA - Cartridge Reducing Valve

Flow (lpm): 140-750

Pressure (bar): 420

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Hydrastore Supplier

For many years MacScott Bond has supplied Atos valves, serving various industries. Whether offering guidance to customers on specific valve selections or incorporating them into our own designs, MacScott Bond has found Atos valves to be a successful and reliable hydraulic solution.Our relationship with Hydrastore has expanded our product portfolio, giving us access to esteemed brands like Hetronic, Danfoss, Kawasaki, Gates, and Atos. With a vast array of equipment, MacScott Bond are here to help you in selecting the most suitable valve for your requirements.